This question is most often coming from finance and the issue of an accumulating liability in banked points. If that is the issue, we often recommend rolling over no more than 10% of points. If this is a strategic question, while rolling over can result in reps aiming...
In the case of a very complex product or service, where the technical team has a material influence on the final decision to purchase, this can be a very valuable “team sale” earning opportunity. The key will be the history of this being a very cooperative...
Our platform uses responsive design which allows full-function access from any device all the way down to a smartphone. The functionality of the desktop browser is present no matter what device.
It all depends on how much that limits the % of earning participants. The larger the % of winners, using tiered awards, the more effective it can be. On the negative side, if the format is a very straightforward total of $ or units sold and focuses on less than 10% of...
I always recommend to include the “steps to the sale”. The important parts of your sales process that feed the pipeline are just as important as the final deal because without a full pipeline there is nothing to close. So training, appointments, proposals...