Whereas most of our clients access the catalog of gifts via our online system, this is completely up to you and your employees’ needs. We have the ability to insert a brochure in the employee presentation packet. Along with the brochure is an order form that...
Yes! This is a unique aspect of our technological capabilities in our service award program. We can set levels for each milestone based on your budget, and employees can pick one gift within the assigned budget or we also have the ability to issue “points”...
The short answer is yes. You can add branded items or other specific items that you desire into the catalog. You can also customize brands within the catalog or eliminate specific gift categories, such as alcohol-related items or weapons such as knives.
Yes! Service Awards are the foundation of your organization’s recognition strategy. Through the use of a single platform, we make it easy to implement and administer various related recognition programs. Our technologies are designed so they can scale to...
No, we drop-ship through our global supply chain, this allows for much greater value and a significant increase in the gift choices available to our clients and their employees.